🔢Algoritma Örnekleri

🎈 Asal Sayı Hesaplama (Prime)

The first optimization takes advantage of the fact that two is the only even prime. Thus we can check if a number is even and as long as its greater than 2, we know that it is not prime.

🔢 Mersenne Number

🪁 Lucas Lehmer

🔢 Mersenne Prime

💯 Sieve of Eratosthenes

The method works as follows (see here for more details)

  1. Generate a list of all numbers between 0 and N; mark the numbers 0 and 1 to be not prime

  2. Starting with $p=2$ (the first prime) mark all numbers of the form $np$ where $n>1$ and $np <= N$ to be not prime (they can't be prime since they are multiples of 2!)

  3. Find the smallest number greater than $p$ which is not marked and set that equal to $p$, then go back to step 2. Stop if there is no unmarked number greater than $p$ and less than $N+1$

We will break this up into a few functions, our general strategy will be to use a Python list as our container although we could use other data structures. The index of this list will represent numbers.

We have implemented a sieve function which will find all the prime numbers up to $n$. You will need to implement the functions which it calls. They are as follows

  • list_true Make a list of true values of length $n+1$ where the first two values are false (this corresponds with step 1 of the algorithm above)

  • mark_false takes a list of booleans and a number $p$. Mark all elements $2p,3p,...n$ false (this corresponds with step 2 of the algorithm above)

  • find_next Find the smallest True element in a list which is greater than some $p$ (has index greater than $p$ (this corresponds with step 3 of the algorithm above)

  • prime_from_list Return indices of True values

Remember that python lists are zero indexed. We have provided assertions below to help you assess whether your functions are functioning properly.

👨‍💻 Code Snippets

[x for x in iter if x = 1]
sum([obj["items"] for obj in groups[name]]
[(name, sum([obj["items"] for obj in groups[name]])) for name in groups]
lis = [("a",1) ...]
max(lis, key=lambda x:x[1]) # 2. elemana göre hesaplama

📂 Yüksek Miktarda Veriyi Ele Alma

    field: {
        name : [ # Be careful it's list (not dict)
            data: {
                "items": 5 # some value

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